

specialp(expression) → boolean

The subroutine specialp takes a constant as argument and determines whether or not it is a predefined function or relation in Epilog. If the specified expression predefined, specialp returns true; otherwise, it returns false.

Call: specialp('same') Exit: true Call: specialp('distinct') Exit: true Call: specialp('evaluate') Exit: true Call: specialp('member') Exit: true Call: specialp('true') Exit: true Call: specialp('plus') Exit: true Call: specialp('times') Exit: true Call: specialp('stringappend') Exit: true Call: specialp('stringify') Exit: true Call: specialp('listify') Exit: true Call: specialp('map') Exit: true Call: specialp('setofall') Exit: true Call: specialp('countofall') Exit: true Call: specialp('a23') Exit: false Call: specialp('not') Exit: false

Special constants differ from operators in that operators have special syntax whereas special constants are used as ordinary functions and relations.

Comments and complaints to genesereth@stanford.edu.