

compvalue(expression,dataset,ruleset) → expression

The subroutine compvalue takes as argument a term, a dataset, and a ruleset. If tries to compute a value for the specified term using the facts in the specified dataset and the rules in the specified ruleset. If it succeeds, it returns the resulting value; otherwise, it returns false.

The most common use of compvalue is to evaluate compound terms involving predefined functions.

Call: compvalue(read('plus(2,3)'), repository, library) Exit: 5 Call: compvalue(read('max(plus(2,3),times(2,3))'), repository, library) Exit: 6 Call: compvalue(read('stringify(art)'), repository, library) Exit: "art" Call: compvalue(read('stringappend("Hello",", ","World")'), repository, library) Exit: "Hello, World" Call: compvalue(read('sum([2,3,4])'), repository, library) Exit: 9 Call: compvalue(read('map(stringify,[art,bob,cal])'), repository, library) Exit: ["art","bob","cal"]

If the specified term is a symbol, the symbol is returned as value. When called on a variable, compvalue always returns false.

Call: compvalue('23', repository, library) Exit: 23 Call: compvalue('art', repository, library) Exit: art Call: compvalue('X', repository, library) Exit: false

If the specified term is compound and the operator is not predefined and does not have a function definition, then it is treated as a constructor. In this case, the constructor is applied to the values of the constituent terms and the result returned as value.

Call: grind(compvalue(read('f(a,b)'), repository, library)) Exit: f(a,b) Call: grind(compvalue(read('f(plus(2,3),times(2,3))'), repository, library)) Exit: f(5,6)

In the case of compound terms in which the operator is not predefined but has a matching definition, the arguments are evaluated and the definition is applied to the resulting values.

Call: definerules(library,readdata('quad(X) := times(X,X)')) Exit: ... Call: grind(compvalue(read('quad(3)'), repository, library)) Exit: 9 Call: grind(compvalue(read('quad(plus(2,3))'), repository, library)) Exit: 25

Comments and complaints to genesereth@stanford.edu.